Madness and Oppression
We've outlined a bunch of ideas to help you identify sources of oppression in your life that can help you place and deal with them.

Harm Reduction Guide to Coming Off Psychiatric Drugs
The Icarus Project and Freedom Center's guide gathers the best information we've come across and the most valuable lessons we've learned about reducing and c...

Navigating The Space Between Brilliance And Madness: A Reader & Roadmap Of Bipolar Worlds
This book emerged out of our website, the Icarus Project, which has been helping a brilliant and disparate group of folks find ways to talk about manic depre...

Friends Make the Best Medicine
We've outlined a bunch of ideas to help you gather people together to start exploring all the brilliance and confusion we hold inside. We hope these suggesti...

Mindful Occupation
There is an urgent need to talk publicly about the relationship between social injustice and our mental health. We need to start redefining what it actually ...

Mapping Our Madness Zine
This zine was created by Momo as far as is known and is one version of a self care tool similar to a mad map or WRAP plan

Wax and Feathers Zine
This Wax and Feathers zine was a collaborative work by a group of super talented folks who post on the Icarus Project forums: 'In expressing our feelings, in...

Navigating Crisis Guide
This four-page handout was edited by Clarextina and Will and Icarus member contributors, drawing from material in Navigating the Space, and turned into a bea...